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По умолчанию Sins of a Solar Empire 2: Season 1 Roadmap Revealed - 22.11.2024, 07:38

Ironclad Games and Stardock have unveiled the Season 1 roadmap for Sins of a Solar Empire 2, with exciting updates and additions arriving soon. The first major update, scheduled for November 21, 2024, will bring several new features and improvements, including:

Custom debris for capital ships, titans, and starbases
Three non-colonizable gravity wells with unique gameplay conditions: Magnetic Cloud, Plasma Storm, and Radiation Storm
Four new star types: White dwarf, red dwarf, blue giant, and black hole
Enhancements to the pacing of the first hour of gameplay

Looking ahead to the end of 2024, players can expect further content, such as two additional gravity wells (Ship Graveyard and Particle Fountain), Advent Unity ability improvements, and quality-of-life updates.

In 2025, the paid DLC Paths to Power will launch, alongside several free content additions, including:

New planet textures and minor factions for Advent
New gameplay features like planetary population and new factional planet types
Reworked gas giants, new moon types, additional neutron stars, and more
Quality-of-life updates

These updates are set to roll out in the first quarter of 2025, continuing to expand and refine the game.

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