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По умолчанию ИНДИЯ. Где купить? - 03.05.2010, 22:21

Люди, кто знает английский переведите плииииииз :confused:

Company Profile
In an endeavor to preserve the beauty and glory of "NATURE", R B International proudly presents its catalogue for natural dried flowers and parts of plants. Right from its inception, the company has been dealing in vivid range of dried exotics, plants and their parts like foliages, leaves, pods, grasses, and pot-pourri botanicals. We have a wide range of products hand-crafted from typical Indian raw materials like shola, jute, cane, palm, lata, coco, etc. Not only these products are offered in their natural form, we also specialise in dye and paint coloring, bleaching and many other processes. We pack the materials in strong corrugated boxes. Packing can also be made in small consumer boxes or polybags, shrink boxes, etc and bar code stickers can also be put on them.
Our craftsman are regularly engaged in the development of new products and styles. We regularly update our customers by sending them the pictures of our new creations over e-mail. Tailor made products are also manufactured as per the taste and choice of our customers. With our vast experience in procuring and processing of these items, we are in a position to deliver them at a very reasonable price compared to other suppliers.
Satisfaction of our customers is the main motto of our company. Our customers are our main assets and we believe in long term relation with them

Address : 4A, N C Dutta Sarani, 2nd Floor, Room # 208, Kolkata - 700 001 (India)
Phone : +91-33-2231 5311
Fax : +91-33-2213 3477
E-mail : info@rbdriedflowers.com
Contact Person : Mr. Ravi Dugar

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Последний раз редактировалось terra86; 15.12.2012 в 19:20..
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