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По умолчанию Re: Помогите!!!!! - 02.09.2013, 12:47

Twighlight -Сумерки Свадьба--помоему все цветы настоящии...живые

The flowers used in the film included roses, delphiniums, stocks, sweet peas, hyacinths, ranunculus, freesia, cherry blossom, wisteria and viburnum along with umbrella ferns, and lots of moss.
The canopy was made with thousands of white wisteria flowers (глициния)made into 40-50 feet lengths. White lavender and cherry blossom also featured in the ceremony flowers. There were tree stumps dotted around the ceremony to complete the woodland theme, these were decorated with flowers so they appeared to be growing from the stumps.

The lady behind the wedding set design and flowers is Tammy Polatsek. While Bella and Edward’s wedding décor would’ve cost about $300,000 by Polatsek’s estimate.

и тд и тп...
думаю название цветов , многие и так поймут, а суть в том что всё настоящее , группа из 20 человек вроде делала всё, и стоимость 300, 000 долларов, только украшение цветами...
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